Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Mens, boys jackets, blazers, synthetic fibre, not kni. In 2023, Mens, boys jackets, blazers, synthetic fibre, not kni were the world's 1213th most traded product, with a total trade of $2.55B. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Mens, boys jackets, blazers, synthetic fibre, not kni decreased by -1.42%, from $2.59B to $2.55B. Trade in Mens, boys jackets, blazers, synthetic fibre, not kni represent 0.011% of total world trade.
Mens, boys jackets, blazers, synthetic fibre, not kni are a part of Non-Knit Men's Suits.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Mens, boys jackets, blazers, synthetic fibre, not kni were China ($899M), Vietnam ($201M), Turkey ($193M), Bangladesh ($190M), and Germany ($102M).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Mens, boys jackets, blazers, synthetic fibre, not kni were Germany ($371M), United States ($220M), United Kingdom ($161M), Japan ($127M), and France ($127M).
Ranking Mens, boys jackets, blazers, synthetic fibre, not kni ranks 4084th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description Mens jackets are distinguishable between blazers and jackets. Blazers are traditionally navy blue with gold buttons, and are worn by graduates, while jackets are typically lighter in color and are more casual. Boys jackets are younger versions of the jackets, which are typically of a lighter color. Synthetic fibre, not knitted, is a fabric that is not made of natural materials, such as wool, silk, cotton, or linen.