Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Mens, boys trousers & shorts, of cotton, not knit. In 2023, Mens, boys trousers & shorts, of cotton, not knit were the world's 134th most traded product, with a total trade of $23.8B. Between 2022 and 2023 the exports of Mens, boys trousers & shorts, of cotton, not knit decreased by -9.65%, from $26.3B to $23.8B. Trade in Mens, boys trousers & shorts, of cotton, not knit represent 0.11% of total world trade.
Mens, boys trousers & shorts, of cotton, not knit are a part of Non-Knit Men's Suits.
Exports In 2023 the top exporters of Mens, boys trousers & shorts, of cotton, not knit were Bangladesh ($5.88B), China ($3.44B), Pakistan ($1.94B), Turkey ($1.49B), and Germany ($1.33B).
Imports In 2023 the top importers of Mens, boys trousers & shorts, of cotton, not knit were United States ($4.96B), Germany ($2.88B), France ($1.36B), Netherlands ($1.14B), and Spain ($1.09B).
Ranking Mens, boys trousers & shorts, of cotton, not knit ranks 4409th in the Product Complexity Index (PCI).
Description There are two types of mens trousers. The first is a dress style, which consists of a long pant with a fly and no pockets. The second is a short style, which is made of a dress fabric and has a fly and pockets. There are two types of shorts that are made of cotton, not knit: the first is a short style with a fly and pockets, and the second is a short style with no fly and an elastic waist.